Secrets and Lies (Vandervilles Book 2) Read online

Page 13

  Like the other week he found himself looking directly at Merissa as her eyes bore into him.

  He straightened and continued to look at her. She was simply leaning against her car, watching him.

  God, why was this happening to him?

  What did she want now?

  “I’ll be back.” He told Zeek and moved through the crowd towards her.

  Her blue summer dress lifted in the breeze along with her long mass of dark hair that flowed behind her. She gave him that cunning smile as he approached.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, trying to sound calm. He kind of hoped that her absence over the last few weeks meant she’d left him alone.

  “Today’s your launch day? I’m upset you didn’t invite me,” she cooed.

  “I didn’t think adventure was your thing.”

  “Oh it is. Did your girlfriend give you my message?”

  Wade narrowed his eyes. “What message?”

  “Oh, she didn’t tell you we met. Wow, either she doesn’t care or she doesn’t see me as a threat.”

  Chloe hadn’t said anything. His nerves spiked at the thought of her meeting Merissa.

  “What did you say to her?” he asked, showing a little more emotion than intended.

  She smiled at that and started to laugh. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Stop playing games, Merissa.”

  “You used to like playing games, Wade. Do you remember how crazy we were?”

  His blood began to boil within him.

  “Merissa, stop this.”

  “Our games always ended in hours of hot sex. I basically told her that.” Her voice was heavy with sarcasm and contempt, edged with steel.

  He felt his eyes widen. Why hadn’t Chloe said anything to him? He didn’t even know if he could ask her about it without making himself look suspicious.

  “Leave her alone, Merissa. Keep her out of this.”

  “Like hell. Next time I won’t be so civilized.” She pulled the car door open and slid inside. She then winked at him before she put the car in gear and drove away.

  Shit, this was all getting so far out of his control that he felt like he was going to snap one of these days. It was too much. All too much, and it gnawed at him.

  The best thing to do was to clear his mind and tell Chloe what had happened.

  His gut knotted at the thought of losing Chloe, but it was time to tell her about his past.


  Regina sat behind her desk in her office at Runway. Brian stood behind her with his hand resting on her shoulder while Gilly and his private investigator friend sat before them.

  Her name was Cora. Last week when they met she had black hair with the ends dip-dyed bright red. Today her hair was purple and reminded Regina of one of those Japanese game characters. The external appearance she portrayed was so distinct from her personality. The hair and the immaculate make-up made her look seem more playful and chilled. However, the minute she opened her mouth and spoke, that impression became dissipated. She sounded like a lawyer, one who always won a case and knew the opposing side would have a hard time challenging her.

  They’d been talking for about twenty minutes. Even though she’d had the cameras removed from her office to allow more privacy, she still felt that sense of insecurity she’d developed since getting the last message. It was the horrible, vile nature of it that got to her and left her feeling worse. She was anxious enough as it was before that happened, now she jumped at the slightest thing and was always watching what she said, where she spoke, and who she talked to. It was horrible.

  “Since we found out about the security systems and Taylor’s accident, I’ve been tracking unusual internet activities,” Cora explained. “From what I’ve seen I’ve concluded that this person isn’t working alone and I think they’re using a device that allows them to decrypt any system and take control.”

  God. This was beyond her. Regina’s stomach tightened. “You think there’s more than one person?” The thought made her feel sick.

  “Yes. It’s just a hunch. I was thinking about Taylor’s accident. We don’t know if the driver was waiting for Ben at the state’s attorney office, or if they’d been following Taylor the whole time. In any event, I think the driver is separate from whoever was controlling the cameras. I guess you could argue that the driver could do that all himself, but I don’t think so. We could also argue that the driver was someone hired to run her off the road. But it’s not just that. It’s the way everything else is being done. To me it suggests at least two people working together.”

  Regina understood.

  “What about the device?” Brian asked. “Is that something the police could track down?”

  “Unlikely. Tracking devices like this are an absolute nightmare. They’re extremely sophisticated, so we know whoever’s using it is very tech savvy. When the device is used it leaves a signature that looks like a scrambled code.”

  Regina remembered seeing something like that on the night when they discovered the Runway systems were being hacked.

  Cora cleared her throat and continued. “Right now I’m using the signature to try to track a location, but it is very difficult. All I can say is continue to be careful.”

  “We’re trying,” Regina replied. “But it feels like they always have the upper hand.”

  “Right now they do, but I’ll find them.” She sounded confident. “I know what I’m looking for. It’s tricky but I’m positive I’ll be able to at least find a location soon. Have the police been able to find out who the finger belonged to yet?”

  Regina shook her head. “It’s a John Doe.”

  “I’ve wondered if it was a clue.” She seemed to consider this possibility as she looked ahead and bit the inside of her lip. “It doesn’t seem to fit their pattern.”

  Regina looked over at Brian.

  “Don’t you just think they did that to continue their scare tactics?” Brian asked.

  “Definitely.” Cora nodded. “But up until now they haven’t resorted to such drastic measures. The drawing would have sufficed. The finger was something else.”

  “I agree,” Gilly added. “I’ve been thinking about that and the significance of it. Has Ben said anything?”

  “No. I haven’t spoken to Ben since.” On the same day Ben threatened her. She’d been keeping her distance and sorting out the divorce papers with the lawyers.

  “I’m going to do some more research on Ben,” Cora said.

  Regina’s nerves prickled when she heard that. It was a good idea since this was all to do with him, but the thought of what Cora would find made her antsy. Over the years Regina had her suspicions on what Ben was capable of; knowing them would be different to deal with.

  “Yes. I feel that’s where our focus should be,” Brian agreed, nodding firmly.

  Regina leaned forward and rested her hands on her desk. “Cora, please be careful.” She worried that if Ben found out she was checking him out, he’d do something to her for fear of what she may find.

  Cora smiled. “Don’t worry about me. I know what I’m up against. Forgive my bluntness but, I think I’m beginning to see what kind of man Ben is. I tried to run a check on him weeks ago and found practically nothing that we don’t already know. It was all standard information. Wikipedia-style stuff. There was absolutely nothing negative whatsoever, which is a dead giveaway of someone who’s taken the time to make sure nothing like that exists.”

  Regina wasn’t actually surprised to hear that. “What will you do?”

  “Dig around the old-fashioned way.” Cora smiled.

  “Just be careful,” Regina offered.

  Cora nodded. “I will, and if anything else happens let me know.”

  With that Cora left with Gilly, leaving Regina with Brian.

  “You okay?” Brian asked.

  Regina nodded. “I just wish we knew more.”

  “I think we’re making progress.” He offered a hopeful smile.

“Yes.” It did seem that way. She certainly knew a lot more than weeks ago, which made her feel more prepared.

  “I think checking Ben out is a good idea. Right now it looks like this is a sudden obsession, but I think Cora’s right, the finger was a message and a clue.”

  “I wish we weren’t dealing with this. Ben’s always hiding something. It’s going to be difficult for anyone to investigate him.” She frowned.

  “I’m certain something will show itself. It’s probably the worst thing in the world to wish this, but maybe we’ll get another message.”

  Her mouth dropped and she widened her eyes at him. “Brian, I don’t know how you could say that. Yes, that is the worst thing in the world. It’s a terrible idea. What if we get a head in a box this time?”

  He shrugged. “I hope that doesn’t happen, but seriously, this person seems to be drip feeding us information, and plotting for us. When you think about it, bellezza, we have a whole lot of nothing.”

  She sighed and slumped her shoulders. He was right. “So, what do we do?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess we can’t do much more than wait.”

  “Or speak to Ben.” She really didn’t want to do that. The next time she saw him she wanted to be handing him the divorce papers.

  “Maybe I can.”

  “No, you can’t. let’s just wait and see what Cora finds. We might not be able to do anything but that doesn’t mean that other people aren’t. We have Cora and we have the police. Also, we have something else we have to worry about.”

  “Taylor,” he offered.

  “Yes.” Regina had been holding off telling Taylor about Brian. Her anxiety over it made her want to do it the minute Taylor woke up, but that would have been so inappropriate. Taylor had needed time to heal, and to allow her mind to adjust to what had happened to her. “I’m going to tell her this weekend.”

  “I want to be there.” Brian looked hopeful.

  “I know, but…I think it’s best if I just tell her.”

  “Oh, okay.” He looked a little disappointed, but at the same time she knew he would understand.

  “I don’t know how she’ll react,” she added.

  “It’s okay. I get it. I guess I’m just so eager to have a place in her life.”

  “You do have a place,” she assured him. From what she saw Taylor loved Brian. She was always happy to see him, and always had good things to say about him.

  “She doesn’t know me.”

  “But she will.” Regina stood up and took his hands. “She will know you, Brian, and she will love you. Even more than I do, if that’s possible.”

  He smiled at her with appreciation. “Then I guess it’ll be worth the wait.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t know how Taylor would react, but she could only hope that she’d understand. Regina imagined she’d be shocked at first, but was relying on her good nature and her heart.

  “We should do lunch.” The warmth returned to his eyes. “I hear Italian food is really good.” He smiled.

  She laughed. “Yes, Mr. Italy. I heard that too.”

  “Score for me. She said yes.” He sounded more like the Brian she knew when they were kids.

  “I’ll always say yes to you, Brian.”

  “Okay bellezza, I’m going to hold you to that.” His green eyes sparkled as he looked at her and she felt in awe at the wealth of love she saw brimming within them.

  “You can.”

  She took his hand as he reached out to her and allowed him to lead her out of the office. Once outside he lightly slipped his arm around her, so as not to draw too much attention to them.

  There was a lot going on but she’d found herself thinking about the future. Her future with Brian. She decided that she’d do whatever he wanted. It was time to. She had a lot of hurdles to jump over before they got to that stage, but that was her plan.

  Chapter 10


  She was here now. Outside of Richard’s apartment.

  It was the first time that she’d driven since the accident. Her mother had bought her a new Porsche to cheer her up and this was the first place that she’d come to. She’d only been out of hospital for four days and she was guessing that when her mother bought the car she didn’t expect Taylor to drive it all the way across town to Richard’s apartment.

  But she was here, and now that she was here it seemed like the worst idea in the world.

  It was closure she needed. She had questions she wanted answers to so she could understand what had happened. Her mind was confused and she still couldn’t feel her heart.

  She’d always been the kind of person who relied on her heart to tell her what to do. Maybe it was wrong, but it was part of what made her her.

  She pulled in a deep breath and got out of the car. It would be quick and simple. She’d go in and talk to him, then leave.

  It was the ring that had gotten to her. The beautiful ring. At least she’d been right about the certificate and that he was going to propose to her. Everything else, however, was all wrong.

  She was the other woman. He’d made her that and it wasn’t fair on anybody.

  She took the elevator to his floor and rang the doorbell when she arrived. If she was right he would have been home now for an hour. He had a flexi-day on Thursdays and preferred working earlier so he could be home just after lunch.

  Within minutes he answered the door and looked shocked to see her.

  “Taylor,” he blurted, making a move to hug her, but she stepped back.

  “Don’t.” She held up her hand. “I’m just here to talk.”

  He held her gaze with his eyes wide. “Come in.” He stepped aside so she could enter.

  It felt weird being here, in his apartment, and not being his girlfriend. It was the strangest feeling.

  She walked into the living room and stood near the coffee table.

  Richard stopped a few paces away and looked at her with expectation.

  “I just want to know why. Why did you do this to me?” She didn’t want to cry but a tear ran down her cheek.

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were married?”

  “You wanted me to tell you that I cheated on you with my wife?”

  Her skin tingled and her throat felt dry. This was a big mistake and she shouldn’t have come here. What more could she be told than the obvious, which she could piece together herself.

  She’d had friends that this sort of thing had happened to. They’d get together with some guy and find out he was married. Some would continue the relationship, others wouldn’t.

  “I can’t do this.” She tried to rush past him but he caught her arm.

  “Don’t go,” he pleaded.

  “I have to.”

  “You don’t.” He shook his head. “I love you.”

  This was wrong. She didn’t know how she felt because her heart couldn’t tell her. “I can’t,” she objected.

  She shook her head but froze, unable to move as he lowered to her lips. When his lips touched hers, Taylor forgot everything.

  She forgot everything and she felt like the woman she was only a handful of weeks ago who was so excited at the thought of her boyfriend proposing to her. She became that woman again and kissed him back with the same passion he gave her.

  He ran his hands up her shoulders and cupped her face, kissing her more passionately.

  “Richard,” said a voice just behind them.

  The voice brought Taylor out of the desire-filled kiss, and when she looked over his shoulder and saw who it belonged to, she jumped out of Richard’s arms.

  It was his wife. She held the baby in her arms and the older boy clutched onto her leg.

  “Janine, what are you doing here?” Richard asked, completely panic stricken.

  Janine wasn’t looking at Richard, however. She was looking at Taylor. “You’re Taylor Vanderville.”

  Taylor could hear the heartbreak in Janine’s voice.

�What are you doing here with my husband?”

  “I’m sorry,” Taylor managed. By now she was shaking; her legs were shaking and her chest felt like it would cave in.

  What had she done?

  God, what had she done? She shouldn’t have come here. “I’m sorry.”

  She ran out the door before either could make any further comment.


  Chloe watched in complete dismay as Taylor sobbed. Under normal circumstances, as in if Taylor hadn’t been in a life-threatening accident and Chloe hadn’t nearly lost her, she would have been mad at her and asked if she was crazy. What else besides craziness would possess her to not only go to Richard’s apartment, but to kiss him as well? Then get caught by his wife.

  Taylor had told her all that had happened. She’d called her an hour ago and, like the cavalry coming to the rescue, Chloe had left work, leaving Lisa to finish things up for the day once again.

  They were back at the beach house. Kelly was away buying ice cream and other comfort food. That left Chloe with a very distraught Taylor, who hadn’t stopped crying.

  Taylor was lying on the sofa in the living room with the box of tissues in her lap. She’d started taking the tissues out in lumps. Chloe sat on the arm chair opposite her and crossed her legs.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Chloe offered. Taylor shook her head. “Maybe you should have some water, at least.”

  “I feel like vomiting,” Taylor cried. “Why did I go, Chloe?”

  “Because you love him.”

  “I couldn’t feel my heart.”

  Chloe wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a good or bad thing. “Did you want to feel it?” Surely feeling it would mean giving into her feelings for Richard.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore. I act based on my feelings, but I’m empty. I shouldn’t have gone there. I shouldn’t.”

  This was so heartbreaking to watch. “Taylor, I know this is going to be hard, but you have to stay away from him. You have to.”